12nd Inner Peace Meditation Retreat : London
On last July 10th-12th, 2015, Wat Phra Dhammakaya London organized a 3-day meditation retreat for locals, which was well participated by 17 local people. The retreat included meditation, Dhamma sermons, Dhamma talk and Q&A sessions about meditation.
Perseverance in Meditation Practice until True Peace is Obtained
In order to fully grasp and understand the answer, he had to seriously dedicate his life to the study of Dhamma.
Raising Children to Be Smart and Virtuous#2
After parents learn that good children must not be troublesome, ignorant, or careless towards others, the question now is
History of the Rain Retreat
The Rain Retreat had not existed yet during the initial years of Buddhism. Therefore, throughout any given year, when a monk needs to visit the people in order to teach Dhamma, the journey was made when time permitted.
The Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering # 3
Mindfulness of the dhammas in the dhammas is to see and consider the mental phenomena both inside and outside, the whole of the time
International Middle Way Three-Day Meditation retreat
From October 13-15, 2015 the Middle Way Meditation Institute organized the 9th International Middle Way Three-Day Meditation retreat at Pop House, Suan Tawan Dhamma.
I’d like to know what principle of Dhamma can give stability to the family till the next generations?
Overview #1
After the Enlightenment which transformed Siddhattha Gotama into the Lord Buddha beneath the Bodhi tree on the banks of the River Neranjara
Kathina Resolution
I pay homage to the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, and the great teachers who have imparted upon me the Dhammakaya Knowledge.
International Middle Way Three-Day Meditation
for the 3rd time at POP HOUSE, in Bann Suan Tawan Dhamma. This gave an opportunity to foreigners who love inner peace to come and practice basic meditation and learn Dhamma that is universal for all, so they can use the knowledge to benefit their daily lives.